Welcome to JewishJobs.com

Aug 6, 2024

Thank You for visiting JewishJobs.com.  JewishJobs.com has been serving the nonprofit Jewish communal workforce since 2003.  Since that time 77,878 jobs have been posted and 304,653 applications have been processed from candidates to hiring employers.  Approximately 50,000+ subscribers receive the weekly email Jewish Jobs Weekly.

Of special note:

JewishJobs.com works for the benefit of nonprofit Jewish communal professionals, job seeking candidates, hiring organizations, and the Jewish community at large.  Jobs within nonprofit Jewish organizations are posted and removed almost daily, and jobs posted on JewishJobs.com are included in Jewish Jobs Weekly. If you are looking for a job within the nonprofit Jewish community, or you are looking to hire a specalized nonprofit Jewish communal professional, JewishJobs.com is dedicated to helping make that connection.  

For complaints and issues, please use the contact form on the website to contact our office to register the complaint or issue. No complaint or issue is too small or insignificant to address, so please let us know. Contact our office

Also, I invite you to contact me personally, to share your comments, questions and opinions. I am working for your success and am interested in hearing from you. Thank you for all that you do, and thank you for your support of JewishJobs.com.  

Benjamin Brown
Founder & Director

Part Time, Seasonal, and Contract Nonprofit Jewish Communal Jobs

Nonprofit Jewish Communal Jobs Online