Job Posting Fees
For-Profit Fees - Recruiters, Staffing and for-profit businesses pay the same rate as nonprofits.
Part Time, Contract, and Seasonal Ads - jobs that require 15 hours a week or less, or seasonal jobs, or contract jobs - $25 each - Internships, Fellowships, Seasonal jobs, High Holiday jobs, Temporary jobs, Sunday School, Hebrew school jobs, Maternity Leave jobs, summer camp jobs, and more.
Job Posting Packages and Fee Schedule
All Job Posting Packages Include:
Website Job Posting: One job per job listing. Jobs appear for 60 days on the website. You may remove your job at any time prior to the automatic 60 day expiration. Each job may be posted and removed one time only. Reposting a job requires additional job posting credits.
Website Featured Jobs Section: All jobs rotate in the “Featured Jobs” section of the website homepage.
Website Featured Employer Section: All jobs rotate in the “Featured Employer” section of the website homepage.
Jewish Jobs Weekly Email: All Full Time Jobs appear for one month in the weekly email, Jewish Jobs Weekly, published every Wednesday and sent to 50,000+ subscribers. The top portion of the email is a list of jobs posted within the last 7 days, and the second portion of the email is a list of jobs posted between 8-30 days.
Receive Resumes: Receive all Resumes from all Candidates who apply to your job listing. View all Profiles of Candidates who apply to your job through the website.
Candidate Searches: Not included. Searching Candidates is optional for an additional fee.
Payment Method: Payment may be made online with a credit card or by check.
1 Job
2 months to post your job
Candidate Searches (not included)
2 Jobs
2 months to post your jobs
Candidate Searches (not included)
3 Jobs
6 months to post your jobs
Candidate Searches (not included)
4 Jobs
6 months to post your jobs
Candidate Searches (not included)
5 Jobs
6 months to post your jobs
Candidate Searches (not included)
10 Jobs
12 months to post your jobs
Candidate Searches (not included)
20 Jobs
12 months to post your jobs
Candidate Searches (not included)
Advertisements for Part Time jobs, (15 hours per week or less), Internships, Fellowships, Seasonal and Temporary jobs
Post Hebrew School jobs, Sunday School jobs, Summer Camp/Staff jobs, Internships, Fellowships, High Holiday jobs, and jobs that require 15 hours per week or less.
View all Part Time Jobs
All Job Ad Packages Include:
Website Section: Job ads are in the Internships, Fellowships, Summer Staff, After School Hebrew/Sunday School, Bnai Mitzvah, and High Holiday jobs Section.
Website Job Posting: Jobs appear for 60, 90, 120, 150, or 180 days on the website. The price is the same. You may choose how long your job ad is posted when posting your job. Each job ad may be posted and removed one time only.
Weekly Email: Not included. Ads in this section are not published in Jewish Jobs Weekly.
Receive Resumes: Receive all resumes from all Applicants to your advertisement.
Candidate Searches: Not included
Payment Method: Employers may make a secure online credit card payment or a payment by check.
1 Ad
Plan Expiration
2 months
2 Ads
Plan Expiration
2 months
3 Ads
Plan Expiration
3 months
10 Ads
Plan Expiration
12 months