Executive Director

Congregation B'nai Israel of Sacramento CA | Sacramento, CA, United States

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Posted Date 2/21/2025

About Congregation B’nai Israel

Congregation B’nai Israel (CBI) is a vibrant, growing Jewish community in the heart of Sacramento, California where people of diverse backgrounds experience the joy and beauty of Jewish life. Our congregation of over 600 households is multi-generational, multi-cultural, egalitarian, and inclusive. We come from diverse backgrounds, and our members crave different things from our congregation: spiritual, cultural, social, educational, and activism.  We offer a broad range of religious services and educational, social, and cultural programs for all ages. CBI is widely recognized in the community for our commitment to social action.

The Temple has an annual budget of approximately $1.5 Million.  We have 8 full-time staff, plus 4 contractors with regular work hours, 3 part-time staff members, and part-time lay educators.  The Executive Director (ED) will supervise all of the staff with the exception of the Rabbi, Cantor, Educator, and education staff.


The Temple also has a very active religious school with well over 100 students.  It is led by a full-time professional educator, who supervises the religious school educators.


Position Summary

The Executive Director manages all aspects of CBI’s administrative, financial, facilities and business operations consistent with the synagogue’s vision, mission, and values. The Senior Rabbi (Rabbi), working collaboratively with the Board of Trustees, sets the vision and direction for the high-level goals, and it will be up to the Executive Director to carry out that mission. 

The ED must determine the best way to responsibly deliver both short-term and long-term sustainability in terms of finances, membership and engagement, security, and facilities.  Specific responsibilities include human resource management, budget development, financial management, information technology oversight, facility maintenance, congregational communications, direct congregational engagement, and physical and online security.

The position reports to the Rabbi and has reporting responsibilities to the Temple President (or designee) regarding all financial and budget, facility, security, and legal compliance/obligation matters.  The ED must also create a positive work environment for staff and volunteers.

This is a full-time position that includes weekend hours and some evening hours. This is generally a five-day-per-week position, but can include a sixth day some weeks.  During weeks with religious school the position requires the ED to be on-site on Sundays.  Within this context, we can provide flexibility during slower periods of the year.

Duties and Responsibilities Include:


  • Supervise administrative, facilities, and security personnel.
  • Ensure the Temple is complying with state and federal laws and regulations governing employers.
  • Directly supervise all Temple staff with the exception of senior staff and education staff.
  • Establish and interpret personnel policies and procedures as necessary.

Financial Management, Development, and Budget

  • Consult with the Rabbi, the Temple President, and the Vice President of Development to create and implement a development plan that is consistent with CBI’s mission and values and will increase overall revenues for the congregation. This will be a key measure of job performance for Temple sustainability.
  • Work with the VP of Development and volunteers to plan and execute CBI’s fundraising campaigns.
  • Ensure that donors are thanked appropriately and in a timely manner.
  • In coordination with the Chief Financial Officer and the Budget Committee, develop annual budget proposals for the operating and capital budgets looking out over three years.
  • Oversee expenses and income consistent with the approved budget and financial policies.
  • Make recommendations on ways to increase revenues, reduce spending or improve procedures as necessary.


  • In consultation with the Vice President for Facilities and the Facilities Committee, manage the security, maintenance, cleanliness, and timely repair of all CBI facilities.
  • Work in consultation with the VP of Facilities to manage the ongoing maintenance issues, and manage the contractors who will be performing repairs.
  • Maintain a list of contractors or vendors related to operations and maintenance.
  • Identify opportunities to rent out the facility. Ensure that use of facilities by tenants be scheduled around CBI programming.


  • Manage the day-to-day operations of the Temple office
  • Maintaining regular on-site office hours.
  • Oversee information technology and audiovisual needs for the congregation.

Membership Management

  • In coordination with the Vice President of Membership, serve as a welcoming first point of contact for potential new members, for members seeking assistance with their membership commitments and other matters.
  • Ensure the membership database is maintained so it provides an accurate congregational membership with related records and databases.
  • Be present on Sunday mornings when Religious School is in session to bond with Temple members, present a positive image, and deal with urgent issues.
  • Attend and oversee the congregational dinners which the Temple holds on the second Friday of the month (“Second Shabbes”).

Board of Trustees

  • Serve as a resource to the President, Executive Committee, and other committees.
  • Attend Board of Trustees and Executive Committee meetings and provide monthly reports.


  • Supervise communications staff and oversee production of the Chadashot (weekly), Koleinu (monthly), and the Temple website (ongoing).

Other Duties

  • Be on-site for all High Holy Day services, including Sukkot and Simchat Torah, as well as Purim, Passover, and Shavuot, if needed, to ensure they run smoothly, and problem solve any issues which arise.
  • Assist members holding events at CBI (such as weddings and parties) to facilitate their rental and use of CBI facilities and other resources available to members. Ensure anyone holding an event at CBI is fully aware of Temple policies for their events.
  • Monitor insurance policies and recommend changes as needed.
  • Respond to other needs as required.


A Bachelor’s Degree or higher is required for this position.  Understanding and respect for Jewish tradition, religious practices and the Jewish calendar is necessary, as is having professional composure, sound judgment, and the ability to maintain strict confidentiality. Reliability, responsiveness, excellent follow-through, efficiency, and timeliness are also especially important, as are routinely showing great attention to detail, and having good humor, being a strong member of a team and a sense of fun.  Candidates must be able to be on-site on each working day.

Qualified candidates will have excellent customer service, employee management, financial management and organizational leadership skills, and the ability to manage multiple projects at once. We strongly prefer a candidate who has served in a similar role previously.  The candidate must be organized, enthusiastic, self-directed, detail oriented, flexible, and highly motivated with excellent written and oral communication, interpersonal and computer skills.

In addition to the above, qualified candidates must be fully proficient with Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint). Knowledge and experience with ShulCloud (our synagogue membership database system) or other membership database systems preferred, as is the ability to learn quickly and become proficient with customized database software. Knowledge of QuickBooks, or the ability to learn how to use it, is also necessary.

Salary Range

$105,000 to $115,000 plus benefits (medical, dental, vacation, retirement, etc.) commensurate with experience.  We will pay to bring out-of-area candidates who reach the later stage of the interview process to Sacramento, and also pay for reasonable relocation if needed.  Contact CBI at [email protected] (Search committee chair) for further information. 

How to Apply

Please submit a cover letter and resume to [email protected]. Applications will be received on a rolling basis until the position is filled.

Salary105,000.00 - 115,000.00 Annual
Full Time
Executive Director
Organization Type
Retirement Plans | Medical Insurance | Paid Holidays | Paid Vacation | Parental Leave | Relocation Available | Sick Days
Job Location
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