Corps Member with Jewish Service Corps

AVODAH: The Jewish Service Corps | New York, NY, United States

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Posted Date 11/14/2024

Start your Jewish social justice journey with Avodah's Jewish Service Corps, an immersive service year program running September 2025 - August 2026 for emerging changemakers ages 21-26. 


Jewish Service Corps Members spend a year serving full-time at a non-profit in Chicago, New Orleans, New York, or Washington, DC while living and learning in a justice-oriented Jewish community. As a Corps Member, you’ll: 

  • Create lasting Jewish community. Home-cooked Shabbat dinners, late night conversations, and holiday celebrations make living in the bayit (communal home) memorable and meaningful. Corps Members co-create intentional, pluralistic communities that help them vision and embody how the world could be.
  • Launch your career in social justice.  After matching with a placement organization, you'll contribute meaningfully to on-the-ground efforts on crucial justice issues such as the criminal legal system, immigration, housing and food insecurity,  education, and healthcare.
  • Dive into deep learning. Through experiential programming, you’ll explore how to live out your justice values, the role of community in creating a more just world, and what role your Jewish identity plays in your life and work.  Our dynamic curriculum will deepen and contextualize your day-to-day work, while supporting you in finding your long-term place in broader justice movements 
  • Have your essential needs met. Avodah takes care of the most important things. Corps Members receive furnished housing, a monthly living stipend, health insurance, a travel allowance, exit stipend, and a year of professional and personal development.  Corps Members can also tap into the Economic Access Fund to support unmet financial needs.
  • Start your next chapter with confidence. Move to a new city (or a familiar one!) with tons of support. Explore free events, local activism, and Jewish life with a built-in group of friends from your cohort. Through your placement, experts, and Avodah staff, receive guidance and professional development that will set you up for workplace success.  
  • Join our active alumni network for life. Our community of over 1,600 Jewish social justice professionals and activists across the country are there to help with apartment hunts, job references, Shabbat dinner invites, and everything in between. Stay connected to Jewish justice opportunities for the long haul.


Jews of Color (JOCs) in Avodah’s Service Corps community can participate in the JOC Bayit, a JOC-specific community building opportunity where JOC Corps Members can build community, access 1:1 support, explore leadership development, and celebrate their Jewish identity. 


Avodah is committed to building a Service Corps that inclusively represents the diverse Jewish Community. Sephardi Jews, Mizrahi Jews, Jews of Color, people of color, women, people with disabilities, immigrants, LGBT2QIA people, and people who come from poor or working class backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply!


The final deadline is March 26thPlease visit to learn more and apply, or email [email protected]t to connect with our recruitment team.


Salary750.00 - 950.00 Month
Part Time, Contract, & Seasonal
Advocacy | Community Organizing | Community Outreach
Part Time Categories
Organization Type
Job Location
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Part Time, Seasonal, and Contract Nonprofit Jewish Communal Jobs

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